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The Role of Data warehousing in Educational Data Analysis

1439-1445Full Text

Shirin Mirabedini

In today's world where a large amount of data centers and educational institutions on-line transaction processing systems are produced and rapidly changing and competitive environment, many of these centers are looking for an efficient tool which are able to move quickly to the high volume of data collection and analysis, convert it into useful information to support sound decisions. The most important criteria for identifying successful and effective leaders in the field of education is something that comes from the decisions of the directors. Collect and integrate data, analyze the information and pass it to the training centers and academic decisions affecting the other hand, it is possible to investigate the factors influencing students' success and success in attracting students and the optimal resource allocation decisions in order to increase productivity. Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing strategy is an effective way in order to overcome the problems of existing systems are on college campuses. In this paper, research on business intelligence, we will try to explore how to build a data warehouse and online analytical processing tools (OLAP) to analyze data in line with the academic community.

Design of Flexible Mining Language on Educational Analytical DataBase

1446-1451Full Text

Shirin Mirabedini

Enormous volume of data in the database is related to storage training centers. Routine use of these data, operation reports for educators and students. But today's sophisticated use of the massive volume of data stored in these warehouses can be performed to explore the use of the data. Currently, the most important analytical processing technology for effective utilization of data and its importance increases day by day, its scope encompasses a wide range of e-commerce, business, and industry and education systems. Among the factors affecting analytical processing techniques, the use of language is describe the process of exploring the possibility of analytical database and the data mining process, providing guidance to meet the objectives of the educational centers. An analytical sample database based on the language of instruction is designed to be flexible in exploring the possibilities this technology by user, there will also facilitate the necessary changes in order to explore the various methods for more flexibility in achieving the goals of the user. This article explores the language of instruction in analytical databases are described.

Special case of Asymptotic Eigenvalues of Second order Differential Equations with Three Turning Points and Neumann conditions

1452-1458Full Text

Enayatolla Sazgar

There is no abstract!

Studying the inventory of Canopy cover trees using Ikonos images (Case Study: City of Sari)

1459-1463Full Text

Seyedeh Kosar Hamidi*, Manuchehr Namiranian, Jahangir Feghhi and Morteza Shabani

Urban forests are an indicator for establishing cities and due to the green space that they provide, other than environmental effects, they have important aesthetic values. Trees have the most important effect on green space on the weather of cities and the larger the area of forested land, the more positive outcomes it will have, in this study, a systematic random inventory method and satellite images of Ikonos (scale of 1:2000) in Google Earth software were used and compared to estimate the canopy area of trees in Maziyar street in Sari, Iran, in order to evaluate the accuracy of satellite imagery for estimating canopy area of street trees. The results of paired t -test (df = 118, 𝑡̂= 1.20) showed that the result of the two methods was not significantly differed in a 95% level. The results of regression analyzes indicated that using Ikonos images (R2= 0.96) was suitable for estimating canopy area on the street.

The Representation of Realism School in the Collection of Poems of ForoughFarrokhzad

1464-1473Full Text

Raheleh Nikjooy Tabrizi, Mohammad Reza Deiri and Zohreh roodsarabi*

Realism school is one of the most important literary trends in the contemporary world that has attracted many Iranian contemporary poets. As such, Foroughis considered as those poets who have mostly made use of this means to express and portray social realities, deprivations and unrests as well as to express her opinions and ideas. The poems of this poet are more focused on two elements of truth and honesty than the imagination and idealism. She has attempted to establish a true picture of the details of the daily lives of people (especially women) in order to better understand and change it to the desired circumstance. Social orientation, reflection of people’s living conditions and climate and paying attention to the actual mission of the poem in terms of enlightenment and awareness-raising can be considered as the most striking aspects of realism in her poetry. This paper has attempted to reflect the social realities as well as dominant realism themes of in the poems of this poet. Furthermore, this paper has provided some information on language and style of realistic expression in poetic works.

Occident versus Orient in Virginia WoolfĘĽ Orlando

1474-1479Full Text

Azita Sadr and Leila Baradaran Jamili*

In this paper, Virginia Woolf’s (1882-1941) Orlando: A Biography (1928) is studied from Edward Said’s (1935-2003) point of view, especially, his theory of ʻOrientalism,ʼ and Homi. K. Bhabha’s (1949- ) hybridity and ambivalence for the main character and the cultural events which occur for him/her. Based on Said’s opinion Orientalism is essentially the notion of the West toward the East through which the Westerners come to understand, perceive and define the Orient. Through this definition of the ʻOther,’ the West or Europe tries to define itself. Orlando is a typical example of Oriental work in which Orientalism is visualized through Woolf’s own observation of Constantinople and her experience of their culture and their behavior. In this way Orlando, the main character, perceives their culture and makes a comparison between his/her own culture with that of the other. Specifically, the paper concentrates on the way by which Woolf portrays Orientalism, her own Britishness, and her critical view toward the East and its exotic and foreign culture. Through representing the main character in Orlando, Woolf demonstrates his/her nationalistic desires which portray the superiority of the Occident over the Orient. In addition, by clarifying Orientalism, the paper indicates how Woolf realizes the distinctions between Occidental and Oriental culture, lifestyle, habits and customs and how she locates Orlando in different layers of cultural clashes to investigate those distinctions which lead to the projection of the main character regarding the superiority of Occidental culture and civilization and inferiority and backwardness of Oriental people.

Identity the relationship between communication styles of managers and job involvement

1480-1488Full Text

Asaad Fahimi* and Fakhraddin Maroofi

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between communication styles and involvement management career. In this study, communication styles consist of a control style, style equality, structural style, dynamic style and style is vested in the independent variable on the dependent variable that affect job involvement. To test their hypothesis, the researcher made the valuations Likert scale according to the number of 30 questions and the target population (agricultural bank branches in the city of Sanandaj) were distributed to 130 employees. The method used in this research is descriptive. To test hypotheses using path analysis and AMOS software was used for statistical analysis of data. The results of the study variables were significant and positive impact on job involvement shows that the greatest equality between light and light control of job involvement is the least impact on.

The relationship between the social responsibility of club with reputation and fans' dependency on the team in the football premier league

1489-1492Full Text

Salim Hamzeh Javaran, Seyed Ahmad Nejad Sajadi and Milad Karamoozain*

The aim of this research is to study the relationship between social responsibility of club with reputation and fans' dependency on team in the football premier league. The present research is of correlation type and has been performed as a field study. The statistical universe includes all fans of premier league teams in 2013- 2014. The statistical sample was selected among the fans attended sport stadia. Considering at least 9000 fans attended each play, the sample size according to Morgan Table was estimated 380 persons ( each team : 190) and available sampling method was used. To collect data, the social responsibility standard questionnaire (Stewart, 2003) with reliability coefficient (0/88) was used. In Iran, It was validated by Bakhshandeh (2012) and its content validity and construct had been approved by him. And so the questionnaires of the reputation (Resler, 2010) with reliability 0/83 and the dependency on team (Gay et al 2009) were used.To analyze data, addition to descriptive statistical indexes, the statistical methods of Spearman correlation coefficient, and Kolmogorov- Smirnov were used. The results showed that there was a significant and positive correlation between the aspects of club social responsibility and the reputation (r=0/36, p=0/001). Also there was a significant and positive relationship between the aspects of social responsibility and fans' dependency (r=0/28, p=0/001).

Strategies to cope with second language learning Anxiety: the case of Iranian pre –university students

1493-1502Full Text

Yasin Nuranifar

This study was designed to develop a typology of strategies that students use to cope with the anxiety they experience in English language classroom. The influence of anxiety level on strategy use is also assessed. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, many basic tactics for reducing language anxiety that cohered into five strategy types (preparation, relaxation, positive thinking, peer seeking, and resignation) were identified. Two researcher questions were proposed: 1. is there any relationship between language anxiety and frequencies of strategy use? 2. Do students at different levels of language anxiety (low, moderate, and high) differ in the number and types of anxiety coping strategies? In order to provide a reasonable and data-based answer to the research questions of this study, about 125 students were selected voluntarily. The subjects are male and female Iranian at two pre- universities, kosar and Khadijah, of sharable city located in ilam province. The age of the participants range was from 17 to 20. There were 5 classes with about 18 to 23 voluntary students in each class. They were students of different disciplines. The instrument for the survey was the FLCAS questionnaire. The purpose of the scale was to examine the scope and severity of foreign language anxiety. Higher scores reflect greater language anxiety. After an interval of eight weeks, the participants completed Hurwitz FLCAS again as a retest. Since the internal consistency, test- wettest reliability, and the alpha coefficient were acceptable, the participants were asked to describe specific tactics that they have used to cope with their anxiety associated with language learning in English language classroom. Each of the written reports by the respondents was subsequently read by the researcher in order to construct a list of all tactics that the students report. A total of 526 tactics were initially identified, and elimination of duplicate tactics (defined as nearly identical in wording) reduced the set of tactics to 80. NO significant relationships were found between language anxiety and frequencies of strategy use, suggesting the need for future research on how effectively the observed strategies may be implemented.


1503-1509Full Text

Yasin Nuryanfar

This quantitative study attempts to examine the English prepositional errors exhibited in the written specimen of secondary school students of sarableh while learning English as their second language. Error analysis is used in this study, as a method of diagnosing errors in the written compositions. Cordor (1973) classified errors into four categories: omission, addition, substitution and disordering. Moreover, errors may be interlingua i.e. L1 or mother tongue influence as suggested by James (1998).Along with this, moderate version of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) is used as a method for describing prepositional systems of Kurdish and English languages as Bloomfield (1933) , Fries (1945) and Lado (1957) claimed that by comparing the systems of the native language and language to be learned, predictions could be made about possible difficulties in learning. The study sample was composed of 100written compositions collected from randomly selected different private and Government secondary schools in sarableh .This paper will highlight the identification, description, categorization and explanation of errors found in the gathered written data. The findings conclude that interference of Kurdish (L1 of learners) is maximum as the results exhibit the dominance of inters language in prepositional errors. Further, this study suggests the need for exploring new teaching strategies particularly to teach tricky areas of second language i.e. prepositions.

Comparative analysis of Women Judging in Islamic Jurisprudence and Sunnis

1510-1513Full Text

Molabakhsh Balouchi and Alireza Salimi*

The purpose of this research is the review of inheritance of women in Imamate and Sunni jurisprudence. This research comprises of four sections: the first section of the study is the general overview of the research which is the definition, explanation and subject matter of the research, review of literature, main and secondary research questions, research methodology, key words (inheritance, jurisprudence, wife, Imamate and Sunni). This research try to answer these questions: conditions of wife inheritance, the properties which wife can get inheritance, difference between wives. Based on research hypothesis, in Islam women like men have the right of inheritance. But it depends on terms of inheritance and the type of property. In this research, referring to the books and literature, after a general overview, as outlined. Bases on the evidence of wife inheritance have been studies. In next section, conditions of wife inheritance and its obstacle with different topics such as: the existence of clot wed couples, keeping the relationship till death, permanent marriage, wife inheritance, non-prohibition of the wife from inheritance which is essential to inherit has also been investigated. Later we discussed the different views and opinion regarding the issue of wife inheritance and her exclusion from inheriting to some property of the husband, which coordinates from Imamate jurisprudence. Each of the heirs entitles inheritance has a share of the properties. The Quran and the verses which determine the inheritance of wife from her husband estates like expression of people inheritance and state that the wife has a portion also the right to have her share from the husband assets and properties. Quran: in the same statements says: The Sunni jurist with regard to this verses argues that the wife has the right to have share of husband assets. Majority of Shia jurists excludes wife inheriting some properties such as land, buildings. Sheikh Tooi in his books says: wife has no share from building and lands instead the bricks and woods values to be estimated and wife share is to be paid to her. Majority of the jurist objected this statement and argued that “the wife inherits the entire property. Our reason is the narratives of Imamate consensus. “Seyed Morteza in his book Entesar quoted that deprivation of wife from the some assets especially land is only in Imamate.

The relationship between accounting information and stock volatility

1514-1519Full Text

Faride Noori*, Munes jalili and Hosna Shariati Nia

In recent years, accounting information system received a lot of attention, it facilities managers to take appropriate actions related to issues in organization, if AIS output is not accurate management will take wrong decisions, moreover, it considered competitive advantage for organization with well design accounting information system. Failure to implement well accounting information system will have adverse effects on organization success. Poor information quality may have adverse effects on decision making, for example indicate that error in inventory database may cause to take wrong decision by managers, resulting in over-tock or under-stock which had severe impact on company profitability and customer satisfaction. The volatility of stock prices in the stock market has been of concern to researchers. Stock return volatility which represents the variability of stock price changes could be perceived as a measure of risk faced by investors. The relationship between accounting information disclosure and stock volatility is stimulating considerable interest across an eclectic range of researchers and importantly capital market investors, forecast analyst and management.

Probabilistic stability analysis of andesitic tuff slope in the Taham road

1520-1523Full Text

Vahid Hosseinitoudeshki* and Fardin Roomi

There is no abstract!

Double Colonization of Indian Women in Amitav Ghosh's Sea of Poppies

1524-1530Full Text

Saeed Abdoli Jouzaee and Leila Baradaran Jamili*

This study puts its emphasis on Amitav Ghosh's Sea of Poppies (2008) to reveal the problems of the Indian women and to expose different oppressions imposed on them by patriarchal society. It aims to explain the concept of double colonization by focusing on Deeti, the main female character of the novel, and some other minor characters, for example, Elokeshi, Paulette, Heeru and Munia as subaltern to show their unpleasant condition in Indian society. Considering double colonization as the major theme of the paper, it applies some central discussions of different critics such as Gayatri Chakravotry Spivak (1942- ) and Edward W. Said (1935-2003) mentioned as the important ones in order to illuminate various aspects of this issue. This study also concentrates on the role of patriarchy and its attempts to put the women in such an undesirable situation. It challenges the wrong images created by the male-dominated society about the women. The patriarchal society does not care to the Indian women’s social and economic rights and does not let them take part in important activates of society. These male agents of power support the patriarchal society and accept its notions regarding women in order to reach their own wishes. Ghosh's Sea of Poppies produces a situation in which various aspects of the Indian women's problems are portrayed. Power makes the condition of the Indian women more complicated and brings them more difficulties. In such a repressing atmosphere the desires of these women have therefore been oppressed by the male-dominated forces and they are not even allowed to speak.

Study of the relationship between accrual quality and Unsystematic risk of stock in the accepted Companies in Tehran stock exchange

1531-1536Full Text

Mahmood Nikbakht* and Mohammad Ghasemi

The recent research has studied the relationship between accrual quality and unsystematic risk. The independent variables include accruals, information content of accruals, discretionary accrual amount that have been considered as quality features of accruals. The dependent variable is non- systematic risk according to fama & French and CAPM models. Company size, financial leverage, stock return. Cash flow fluctuation, book value to market value has been considered as control variable. The method of library information and documents are financial statements. The method of analyzing data has performed from multiple regressions. The results showed that there is significant and direct relationship between financial leverage and discretionary accruals with unsystematic risk according to fama and French model and CAPM model. There is significant and direct relationship between accrual ability, information content of accruals, company size and stock return with unsystematic risk according to fama & French and CAPM models. There isn`t also relationship between the ratio of book value to market value and cash flow fluctuation with unsystematic risk according to fama & French model and CAPM model.

Comparing the social responsibility of the top four teams with the bottom four teams in the table of the football premier league

1537-1540Full Text

Milad Karamouzian* and Seyed Ahmad Nejad Sajadi

The aim of this research was to compare the social responsibility of the top four teams in the table with the bottom four teams in the table of the football premier league.The present research was of a descriptive - scanning kind and was performed in the form of field. The statistical universe included all fans of the top teams in the table (Foolad, Sepahan. Perpolis. Naft of Tehran.) and the bottom teams in the table (Zob Ahan. Fajr sepasi. Damash of Gilan. and Mes of Kerman) in 2013- 2014. The statistical sample was selected among the fans attended sport stadia. Considering at least 9000 fans attended each play. the sample size according to Morgan Table was estimated 380 persons (each team : 190) and available sampling method was used. To collect data. the social responsibility standard questionnaire (Stewart, 2003) with reliability coefficient (0/88) was used. In Iran. It was validated by Bakhshandeh (2012) and its content validity and construct had been approved by him.To analyze data. addition to descriptive statistical indexes. the statistical methods of ANOVA were used. The research results showed that the comparison of the social responsibility of the top four teams with the bottom four teams in the table of the football premier league is a significant and positive relationship.

Assessing the relationship between ownership structure and divined policy on subject of companies listed in Tehran Stocks Exchange

1541-1551Full Text

Ghasem Rigi* and Farahdokht Ebadi

Need to a cooperate governance roots in agency problem. cooperate governance system provides an opportunity to control and developing balance between benefits of managers and shareholders and consequently decrease agency conflict. The main objective of this study is “assessing the relationship between ownership structure and divined policy on subject of companies listed in Tehran Stocks Exchange within an interval of 2008-12. So ownership structure (institution ownership, management ownership, cooperate ownership and ownership concentration) as independent variables and divined policy as a dependent variable is regarded, meanwhile company size and financial leverage are regarded as control variables. Library method is recruited on theory principles part to collect data while document mining is applied on hypothesizes test. Correlation method and multi- variables Regression are used as analysis methods. The results of study showed there was an inverse and significant relationship between management ownership, institution ownership and ownership concentration in respect to divined policy, while no significant relationship was observed between cooperate ownership and divined policy. The results of control variables showed financial leverage have an inversed relationship and company size has a direct relationship regarding divined policy.

The Effect Of Drip Irrigation Round Method On Corn's Height And Yield Of Sweet Corn In Kahnooj Region

1552-1554Full Text

Asghar Sadeghi Chah Nasir, Hamid Sadghi, Abdol Rasool Zakerin and Faraz Amiri*

sweet corn use as a fresh food of human against the usual corn that is grains part and use for feeding and flour production and sweet corn is a kind of vegetables that recently is one of the highconsumptions food in different area of world and due to its delicious tastes and being rich because vitamins, so the consumption is increased.(Zea Mays Var. Saccharata). One of the important agricultural issues in Iran and especially in south areas of Iran, is lack of irrigation water, according to determine the best irrigation round in Kahnooj area, an experiment performed as factorial in format of absolutely coincidental blocks and repeated in 4 times in that area. The studied cares are included: irrigation round (in 3 level of a day every 2 and 3 days). The obtained results of this experiment indicated that the effect of irrigation round on corn's height, the number of Indian corn and the weight of Indian corn is significant and always the most amount of foregoing property, get from irrigation round every 2 days. Generally can say the best irrigation round for sweet corn in summer condition of kahnooj area is 2 days.

Legal- juridical study of deception in marriage from Imamate jurisprudence view and France view

1555-1558Full Text

Atiyeh Akhondzadeh* and Nader Mokhtari Afrakati

In this paper legal- juridical study of deception in marriage from Imamate jurisprudence and France penal view have been investigated the research method is descriptive – analyticas. The propose of this paper is to explain the deception dimensions in marriage and this issue is a crime from penal law and it will be punish. This paper identifies deception and trickery in marriage for people when people face it, know their rights and attempt to take their rights and it also compares two France and Iran penal views, determine strength and weakness and presents suitable strategies to prevent criminal act. The results show that deception has been reproached in verses and narrations and is a crime legally. The punishment of deception is between 6 months to one year imprisonment of course, if – person who is perceived won`t to continue life the right of marriage cancellation is considered without divorce phases and immediately. Article 1196 of France's civil code each trickery whatever mental or physical (action) in traduces as deception and considers punishment for it.

The nature and orders of crime and punishment in five religions and punishment in Iran

1559-1561Full Text

Mahdiyeh Hoseini Mehr* and Nader Mookhtari

In this paper, the nature and orders of punishment in five religions and Iran punishment have been studied. The methodology has used to perform thesis. The research method is library. The purpose to perform this paper is to study and explain the nature and orders of crime and punishment in five religious and Iran penalty. The questions are as follows: How is the nature and orders of crime and punishment in Iran`s five religions? 2- How is the proportion of crime and punishment in five religions and Iran punishment? 3- Do you can percent single definition for crime concept? According to it, the nature of crime and punishment in juries prudence that often proposed as crime, requires Retribution or blood- money and the crimes that their punishment have been defined in Shariah (Islamic law) are proposed as limits and otherwise they will be punishment below the full amount prescribed by law and secondly, The principle of proportion of crime and punishment has been considered as one of principles dominant on explanation of punishment in the recent years, thirdly, we can present a single definition for crime, but can`t consider it stable in all places and times simultaneously, because crime is effective concept from social realities and these realities differ at places and times. 50 far, there isn`t and won`t be a society without crime and all societies have one penal law.